Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Man is one of God’s greatest creation ever because he is the only creation that was created in the image of the creator or that has the image of God, being God-like. He is the only creation with a complex brain and powerful mind that can also help him initiate or create something. Thus, my conclusion is this; Man is the most powerful being after God. He was made like HIM (GOD) in the likeness of a god, with His dominion and authority in the earth realm. Man is therefore second in-command to God Himself. (Psalm 8vs6-“For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour”). The Hebrew word for angel in that verse simply means “ELOHIM OR GOD”, so man was a little lower to God.
I have come to understand that God created every living thing (plant and animal) both male and female, living by instinct and the difference is that man is a 3 in 1 being-the spirit, soul and the body. These three things which have been given to us by God are under the will of both God and man. An animal does not have the grace of will, to be able to control actions and behaviours like Man does. Since males exist both in animal and man-species, what makes the difference between a male and a man is the presence of God-kind of spirit in the man, hence he was superior to the other male animals in the Garden of Eden. He had God breathe HIS own breath into him and he was called Man. But the question I keep asking myself is that how has this powerful being that God created like His very own self been able to exhibit nature and characteristics that are not God-like. As they say, everything gives birth to its own kind, a lion will not give birth to a sheep, A goat will not give birth to a dog; but then why has there been a change in the natural order. Why do men not behave like the person of their father-GOD himself?
From the beginning, the Holy Book made us to understand that the devil (fallen angel) made the man fall by deceiving him at the Garden of Eden and reduced him to a state where he was completely different from GOD in thoughts, ways and control. He became a scavenger for the things he was supposed to inherit. Man lost purpose and found himself drifting away and away from his Source. The devil had seen the magnificent glory of the man God created, seen how protective GOD was of man, and he hated it. He knew that man was the very image of God and wanted at all cost to corrupt this image. The bible makes us to understand that God has a better plan for humanity and He sent his only begotten Son to us, to redeem us back to the initial position HE placed us. (John 3:16-“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”). It is however so unfortunate that not all human race have been able to grasp this truth about the person of our Lord Jesus, but our mission is to make you understand that. To everyone reading this piece, we need to surrender our lives back to Jesus to connect us back to the place man was supposed to be if we really want to live in a peaceful world. So many chaos in our world today; this is because of man’s lost purpose at the beginning, man is troubled and as a way of coping, he turns things upside down. How do you know when an animal is troubled? Everything around it goes into disarray. This is what happens when we lose purpose but God being so merciful, decided to send Christ to us, our connector band, that if we can accept him, we will live the life He has planned for us from the beginning.
HE knew that man could not access Him again by the three components he made in man-the spirit, soul and body unless there came restitution; this was the purpose of Jesus-to restore the man back. I came across a post from the internet; someone asked “Why does God not destroy the devil rather than send His only begotten and my answer is that, our God is a purposeful God meaning He knows the end from the beginning; HE knows that we can destroy the devil when we believe in his son and do what He has commanded us to do. He also knew that the ministry of the devil is to do evil but His own, which should be ours is to do good; but then what is good if not the absence of evil, there has to be evil for there to be good…
To be continued..
The Men That Lead
Building Manhood
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