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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



From our previous articles, we have been able to define the concepts of Leadership and a Leader. Let us now look at the relationship of the male-man and Leadership.  While writing this article, I pondered and a question popped in my mind, “are leaders born?”  In my private study and thinking, I have come to understand that Leadership is a calling to all humanity, Leaders are made and men are born.

From before, we were able to hold the fact that what makes leadership to stand is character and capacity building. So, every one with a desire to accept this calling must do well by building up himself for this office. We must understand that to every calling, there is a responsibility that is a result of a choice; this means every calling is a choice. You can either choose to accept such callings on your life or choose to reject them. The big part is ours to play- our choice.

However for every man called to the Leadership position, let us all consider just one very important tool, and this is, that we possess the capacity for Leadership. As leaders, at certain times, we also receive orders from fellow leaders, our superiors, even our followers can request certain things of us, it is our responsibility to see that in our performance of these various assignments, we are all the time effective.  Do you remember the last time you were ordered to do something? Can you remember the natural inclination deep within you to resist the demand, even though you may have co-operated. There is this natural desire to rebel against orders or laid down rules; it is a nature inherent in every one of us, and is as a result of the ego in man. 

When man was placed in the Garden of Eden to have dominion over all things, ego came with authority and this was what the devil manipulated in man when he deceived him to eat out of the tree of life and death. He was exploited as a result of his ego sense- sense of self importance, self consideration-“I want to be this” “I want to be that”. We must understand that being egotistical does not equal leadership, thus to function in the office of Leadership, we must develop ourselves through capacity and character building.

Leaders are made but men are born. I repeat this in order to lay more emphasis; you are a leader not because you have innate qualities within you but because you have attained certain levels of skill development, quality development. If being a leader is as a result of our innate prowess, then everyone will be leaders. Since not all of us are leaders, then we can out rightly say, being a leader does not come out of the womb with us but we actually build it up as we grow. As earlier stated, a leader is an individual who influences others through inspiration, generated by passion, motivated by a vision birthed by a conviction and produced by purpose, thus the leader within you comes alive when you discover purpose, your life-vision and when you set out to accomplish them. Every man on earth has a purpose to fulfill i.e. *you are not a biological accident*

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The Men That Lead
Building Manhood


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