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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he”.

Man according to God’s order is to function in three ways: (i) as a priest (ii) as a husband and, (iii) as a father. As we all know that a man is the foundation of the home. We must also understand that the man as a father can be likened to the feathers on a bird. What is the usefulness of the feathers to the bird? From our elementary science, the feather is supposed to serve as protection and also warmth for the bird. It is also a means of survival if we look at the fact that the birds need to fly to their source of livelihood. Feathers, apart from the above, also add colour and beauty to the bird.  This is the same way men as fathers, are in the home. A man has been designed to function as a flight (source of livelihood) and a means of protection for his family. Thus, the strength of a family is in the man of the house-the father; He adds colour and beauty to the home. In order for a father to function in the above capacities, then he must possess a vision. He can be likened to the tool in the family but what is a tool without a vision or what is a tool without its purpose. His purpose as a father lies in his vision. It’s just like the eagle; they say the eagle is the only bird that can soar very high but we do not understand that for the eagle to soar high, it must have first seen high, that’s why they say as sharp as an eagle’s eye.

The leader within a man comes alive when he discovers purpose, his life vision and when he sets out to fulfill them. This makes us to understand that a father must first discover his vision in line with God’s purpose before his leadership spirit start to function else he will only be a ruler controlled by instinct or just common sense. From the Bible passage above, we were made to understand that where there is no purpose (vision), the people perish. Therefore, a family without a vision will only perish. In this context, perish does not necessarily mean death but such a family is stripped of honor and glory.

From the book of Genesis (The Beginning), the Bible makes us to understand that the man was given purpose at creation which at that time resulted to work for him. He was given a vision first before God brought forth the woman. If a man lacks vision or the woman is the only visioneer of the family, then it will take divine intervention to lift that home from impending peril. The man as the head of the home is to have a vision, then run with it together with the rest of the family. The woman can also have a vision for that family but the man is supposed to be the head-visioneeer because the traits of being the head have been handed over to him at creation. God created the woman to enable the man accomplish the purpose in which he has been called.

Finally it is dangerous for a woman to say Yes I do to a man who does not know where he is going, she will only be treading on a directionless path because the vision of a man is supposed to pave his path; but if he is visionless, there is no path and there is no direction. That is when you see certain wives complain; I don’t even know where this marriage is going. The answer is that marriage is going nowhere. If the man as a father and a husband loses it, then the whole family has lost it.

The Men That Lead
Building Manhood


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