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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...




1.Leadership is predetermined: In our earliest publications, we were made to understand that while Leadership is a calling, Leaders are made. You might be called to take up a leadership position, but there are already qualities in us that make us viable for that position. True leadership is not something you do; it is something you are. We are called to serve one another to be great. There is no self-made man, only a fool will claim he is self-made; even as leaders, we are made by the people that are very much under us.

2.Leadership is a prepared position: In God’s kingdom, everybody has a position set aside to carry out his ability. In the hands of the potter is the usefulness of his creation. There is a place of preparation as a prerequisite for leadership. A diamond does not just become a diamond, it goes through many burning and building processes, before it becomes what it is. You have to discover your leadership position and take the responsibility to release your potentials.

3.Leadership demands a price: To function effectively as a leader, there is always a price to be paid. Jesus said in Matthew 20 verse 22paraphrased; “are you able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of”. There is always something we have to do to achieve something. Leadership position is sacrificial. It takes one through a lot-preparation, training, development and refinement. The position is prepared for you but you have to also prepare yourself for the position.

4.Leadership is inherent: No man prays to be in a leadership position or requests for it. (true leadership; with a genuine heart for the position) Such honour is either earned by means of virtues one possesses. We hear of born leaders; the traits are just there hence it’s as if such person is born with it. The capacity is built inside of us but it is our responsibility to nurture it. For instance, your car has the capacity to travel ninety miles per hour but you do not drive to this extent; it doesn’t change the fact that the car has that capacity.

5.Leadership is not for you but for others: We are born to serve; your gift is not for you alone. God has deposited them in us that we should serve them to others; maybe it should be rephrased as “born servants” then and not “born leaders”.  For instance, as a comedian, your funny jokes are not to make you laugh, but to make others laugh. Even though you may end up laughing in the process of telling it; it is solely meant for the consumption of others.

6.Leadership is becoming yourself for the benefit of others: Becoming yourself is a process that begins with self-discovery. You need to discover yourself before you can discover others; you need to develop your talents before you can help others discover theirs. Self-discovery is very vital as a prerequisite for successful leadership. If you are ready to take the journey, ask yourself this question: Who am I? What are my gifts? How can I serve these gifts to benefit other around me? All these, among many others, are the questions we should have answered before we take up any leadership role of any kind.

The Men That Lead
Building Manhood


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