Genesis 42: 11 “We are all one man's sons; we are true men, thy servants are no spies”.
Ecclesiastes 7:29 “Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions”.
“Males are born, but real men are made, boys are born but great men are made”; you do not need to be born to be a great man or to stand out as a man, you need to be made. (Revelations 5:10-“And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth”). This simple phrase above makes me understand that manhood is not automatic; it requires a responsibility on our part. I do not need a responsibility to be a male, as long as I was fashioned this way I am a male but I need a responsibility to be the man that the Creator made me to be. In our previous article, we were made to understand that the presence of an awakened spirit is what makes a real man. To add to this; at redemption, we have our spirit man being awakened but it takes a continual refreshing to stay awakened. We must understand that Man is a spirit, he has a soul (mind, will and emotion) and lives in a body; thus, when we give our lives to Christ, our spirit man becomes alive but to stay alive, we require the renewal of the mind. The renewing of the mind tells us that though the spirit maybe alive in Christ, but to fully tap into this salvation power, our mind has to be right too. When we are baptized, our spirit man gets renewed, not our mind, not our body; that is why it is somehow easy to fall back into the flesh if not cautious, hence the need to continually renew the mind. When our spirit is awakened and our mind refreshed, then the body falls into place.
To address the problem of our society and the world at large, we must start from the foundation which is creation and at creation, the man not the woman was present because it is written God formed the woman out of the man, thus making him the foundation for humanity. If a society is troubled, let us check the men in that society; its either we are doing something wrong or we’ve not really found true purpose. Myles Munroe said and I quote “if men know who they really are and their reason for being, then their confusion, anger and destructive behavior could be replaced with purposefulness i.e. the reason for their existence”. This is to tell us that the problem in our society today is a result of lack of true identity of the male.
In order for the male to discover their identity, they have to be mature and understand the essence of manhood. Maturity is not about how well stricken in age one is, but simply accepting responsibility with humility. Until these two words are in place, Maturity is not in view. As I stated earlier that manhood is not automatic; it therefore does not come with age. Real manhood is something that must be developed one step at a time. It is like a school where you don’t gain mastery until certain levels of learning are reached. Real Manhood is a choice. A man once said “having the ability to make a baby doesn’t make you a man; being able to raise the baby makes you a man”. Manhood goes far beyond a male’s physical endowments.
Our society is in need of real men today, men whose identity and purpose are not hidden from them, whose destructive ways have been replaced by purposeful purpose. If we are able to identify the root of our problem, then we are close to proffering a lasting solution to it. If all, both men and women can realize that there is a different purpose to all these, to being who we are, then we will live for that purpose. A solution out of the chaos the world is facing cannot come from protest, or strife; everyone should be faced with the singular task of finding who they really are. It is only when our lives are meaningless that we seek to find meaning from even meaningless things, which my dear brothers and sisters, it is a NO-NO. We can never find purpose if we don’t have connection with the one who made purpose, our Creator himself. Surely, it’s every man’s single responsibility to go in search of answers, find out who they really are and the world will be a better place. You cannot find Christ and live a worthless life or remain who you used to be; It is something totally impossible. He is the solution to this chaos. If we desire a change, then let us all (both men and women) return back to the author of change.
Thank you..
The Men That Lead
Building Manhood
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