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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...




From our previous discussion, we were made to understand the three phases man operates in; as a priest, as a husband and as a father. But today, we will be looking at God’s vision for a fulfilled fatherhood and the prerequisites to align with these visions.
We must first understand that there is a vision for the man as a father in the home. As the head, there is a vision. It is the understanding of this vision that can help us to live an outstanding role as fathers. Why we have so many failed marriages or homes today, is because most of them had no vision on which they were built, no foundation and as such when the storm comes, they easily collapse. The bible makes us clearly understand that where there is no vision, my people perish. Thus, if we want to have an understanding of this vision for our homes as men and as fathers; it is however expedient of us to be in contact with the visioner himself-the one who owns the vision; that is God himself. No one knows an appliance better than the manufacturer himself and if we want to have an understanding of it, all we need is access to the manufacturer’s manual.
Therefore, having understood this, what are the prerequisites for fulfilling these divine (God-given) visions?

(1)Acknowledge the Visioner: Jesus Christ as the overall head of the family is the visioner of the home. The Holy bible in 1corinthians 11:3 makes us to understand that as man is the head of the woman, Christ is the head of the man and the overall head of the family, the home. From our basic sciences, we understand that the brain which dictates certain information and control of the body is encased in the head, thus it is the head that dictates where to go for the other members of the body (no matter how smart the other parts of the body think they are). Therefore, for the whole body of the family to function, there must be an order of alignment; the woman with the man and the man with Christ who is the overall head. So, for  us as men to truly fulfill whatever the vision we have for our home, we must move towards the direction our head moves, obeying every of His moves and follow his every step. We must totally align with him, in all things not just in some things but in totality. 
I also want us to understand that Christ does not only give the vision, He is the vision. Remember the Bible says in John 14:6, He is the way, the truth and the life-all these reflect vision. Let us look at this in a scenario: our vision (our purpose) is our life; that’s what we live for-Christ; our vision is also the way to a successful outcome-Christ; our vision is our truth-Christ.

(2)Listen for God’s direction: You cannot fulfill your purpose until you understand how to hear from God and listen to his every instruction. In our daily lives, there are so many voices we hear-some good, some bad. But, how can you tell voices that align with God’s plans for your life? that means you must have a  working connection to know which is his and what he has said concerning that step you are about to take, that decision you are about to make. So many enter into decisions already and then ask God for a way out, if they find themselves entangled with no way of escape, forgetting that God should be first, his decisions should always come first. To this effect, we need the help of the Holy Spirit because it is He who will help us discern what things we hear (1corinthians 2:11 paraphrased- For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man…). To get a grasp of God’s voice, we need His help. 
One other thing, to be able to access God’s voice, you have to first know how to access his presence. You need to get to God’s presence to have him speak to you (Revelation 1:10). The scripture admonishes us to commit our way to God and HE will direct us. Only God can direct our steps towards our purpose and that’s only if we align with him.


The Men That Lead
Building Manhood


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