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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...



The purpose of the male-man may be summed up as his priority, his position, and his assignment.

        Priority refers to the order in which he was created. God is a God of purpose; He has already planned the whole universe before He began to create. Thus, when he started with the foundation, he already knew exactly what he wanted and what the completed picture would look like. We have to understand that the foundation of humanity is the male-man; so if the male-man as the foundation for humanity is faulty then the whole building is.

       The Man’s position refers to the aspect that he was the first to have a relationship with God at the Garden of Eden and to receive God’s instruction. Adam was the first man God created to be in Eden for effective communication, relationship and a sound training. Many people today blame the woman, Eve for the fall of man but we must understand that God gave the commandment to Adam before Eve’s arrival. It was Adam’s duty to continually put Eve in check and make sure she heeded the commandment; though Eve committed the crime, Adam had a role to play in it. This scenario is a clear picture that a faulty father is a faulty home, a faulty husband is a faulty home, and a faulty man is a faulty society.

      The third thing that a    man’s purpose is identified as, is his assignment. Assignment means one’s task or something that has been entrusted on you. The assignment God gave Adam still holds great significance for men today because our God is a God of purpose. The acceptance of this assignment is called maturity so therefore maturity does not mean old age; it means our acceptance of responsibility. 

      How then do we know these responsibilities? As previously quoted in the first part of this discussion; “if the knowledge of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable”.  We can know or have a knowledge of our responsibilities as men by having a relationship with the giver of such responsibilities; the Creator, himself. By engaging in direct communication with him, through praying, studying His word, having fellowship with HIM, being about HIS business, we can finally derive the truth of our purpose. Some of the responsibilities GOD gave man at creation are stated for us below:
Visionary/ Leader
Cultivator (work)


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