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  THE COVENANT WAY OF LOVE The expression of Love is the will of the Father. To know how to love the way of the Father is no easy task and i...




Last Last school na scam”. This short phrase seems to be the talk of the town lately, especially in Nigerian universities and among Nigerian youths. And the phrase simply means ‘school isn’t giving enough of what is needed to thrive out there or to be an outlier in the society’. But is school truly a ‘scam’? We will surely find out at the end of this precise article.
School can be dubbed to be a ‘scam’ to someone because of the following reasons:
1) The person isn’t studying the course he/she wanted

2) Results (Grades aren’t matching with the level of efforts)

3)Wanting beyond the four walls of the classroom

4) Peer pressure
Whatever reason it may be can, however, be addressed by taking a few extra steps at identifying where one is and where one wants to be.

 It shouldn’t be surprising to know that a lot of people have invariably benefited from the same school system we are talking about. I mean making a huge fortune out of school.
It should be noted that it wasn’t an easy step, it took a lot of conscious effort and commitment to make a huge difference between the date they gained admission and the date they graduated. Is it businesses, professional occupation? whatever it is, lots have gone through the system and they made their days meaningful without even uttering the ‘school na scam’ phrase. Rather, they understood the system and hedge against future headwinds.

“School as an institution provides enormous opportunities. Whichever you pursue, you will get.”
In order to switch from the group echoing “last last school na scam”, to the group making a grand headway, consider the following:

1) Change your strategy: Perhaps results aren’t matching efforts, then you have to re-strategize. You have to review the old way of doing things and re-strategize. Simply changing the mode of reading, how you pay attention in class, and switching your reading cohort if need be can have a profound effect on improving results (grades).

2) Finding the right fit: Studying a course you are not passionate about is a lot of work on its own. Sometimes, by virtue of resilience and hard work, passion can be found in between. In other cases, it is not. Well, that isn’t the end. The world is now globalised and anyone can basically learn anything from anywhere. This is established and it simply means a lot can be learnt from those sources - online learning platforms. Certificates can even be acquired through those sources.

3) Find complementary skills: Because school might not offer it all is no excuse to say you cannot know it or you don’t know it. In as much as school teaches theory, those theories form a basis where you can erect solid practical skills. You have to look for it and go extra miles to get it. By so doing, you’d surely get a hang of what it takes to be an exception within the underlying school system. You are not alone in this, training schools like Edubridge will certainly amplify your aspirations in gaining practical and work-related skills. Elsewhere, maybe in the tech landscape, a lot of tech-hubs are just around you. Look for one and glean as much knowledge as you can.

4) moving with the right set of people : The people you move with really affect ur thinking and way of life in the university. When you move with people who do so many illegal stuff to get money den u believe school can't give you such opportunities in the shortest period of time to get rich. So therefore associate itself with d best minds that can impact ur life in the right way.
All in all, school is a place to grow, learn and build network/relationship that will be super useful in the future. Some even found their spouse in college :), it is a part of what we are saying.
Spending your time judiciously here, on campus, is super important. Spend your time well, know where you stand and work towards where you want to be. In the end, school isn’t a scam. Rather, it is an environment to be better of the version of who you were yesterday.

The Men That Lead
Building Manhood


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