Revelation 5:10
And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.
To inherit something, you must have a right; to lay claim to an inheritance, there must be something you possess that qualifies you. You can either have a relationship with or own a virtue that qualifies you for that inheritance. The same way in the kingdom realm, to say I have a redemption heritage that means I must have a working connection with the redeemer. What do I mean working; you are connected not by mouth but by your spirit, by your mind, by your heart because all these will prove your works. Christ speaking in Matthew 15:8; these people honour me with their lips yet their heart is far away from me. He also said whatsoever is born of the spirit is spirit (John 3:6 paraphrased). In the same vein, whoever is born of God is in similar sense a god. The child of a lion is a lion, the child of a dog is a dog, the child of a sheep is also a sheep. We are born again that is born of the spirit not because of our mouth but as a result of our works-our beliefs.
The right to certain things in Christ is only for them that are his. That’s why I say the redemption heritage is not for everybody but for those saved by him, those born of him. The bible says to them that are without, these things are done in parables (Mark 4:11). God has given everything in him to his son and this same grace has been handed over to us through his son Jesus. Christ inherited these things from the father and we have also inherited these things in him so for us to access these things, we have to accept him, believe him, work according to him and live in this light.
I boldly say there is no inheritance on this earth that a man can lay claim to that is as treasurable or immeasurable as the inheritance God giveth unto us through his son Jesus Christ. If we are to make mention of all these inheritance, they are so numerous. So many don’t even know they have redemption rights, that explains why they are still lost in this world; if we have no understanding, we will just be going on and on, and nothing we ever do will be clear to us. The bible says they know not, neither do they understand, they walk on in darkness and the whole foundations of the earth are out of course (Psalm 82:5). When we have no understanding of the importance of a thing, then we become slaves to that thing. The bible speaking; the heir while he is but a child differs nothing from a servant (Galatians 4:1 paraphrased). He also said the truth you know shall set you free; thus, our knowledge of the truth, of the light is what sets you and I free, if not we will only be slaves to these things. I know that redemption rights exist and they are found in Christ, so what do I do? I take that step; get closer to him because only by association do I know I can carry whatever He carries.
You may now ask, what are these redemptive packages? There is no understanding this inheritance, if we look away from the one who owns them. Whatever is in Christ, available in him, that is our redemptive package. Long life, sound health, peace, joy unspeakable full of glory, prosperity, divine strength, freedom from sin, all round rest -all these among others are the things we enjoy as being part of this family. There is something about this redemptive heritage in Christ; it cancels all other ungodly heritage. Can you explain how a person born into a family where no one gets married and such a person finds his place in Christ and later, you hear that person is now married with kids; this is because our redemptive heritage in Christ brings down all satanic heritages. Just a simple step and all these inheritance can be ours. All we need to do is accept Him, know him, Christ; all things have been given unto him. We cannot know him if we do not accept him. The same way we have to be born into a family and stay there to receive that which is inherent in that family, that is the same way we have to stay in Christ, remain connected to him and remain in that family of God to receive what belongs there. If we can do this, then our redemption package is sure.
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