*Matthew 4:1 “Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil”.*
*Genesis 22:1 “And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham…”*
What do we see as Temptation? Is it the natural occurrence of all times or the challenges we go through every day. So many do not have the understanding of what the term Temptation is? When I am tempted, does it mean I am tested or does it mean I am prepared for something greater in life? Is temptation of the devil or is it of God? Why will God give me to this temptation? All these are questions that run through our minds when we find ourselves in certain situations.
But let us look at the scriptures because that is our own principal book in this kingdom. Temptations are real, and they can happen to just any believer. If Jesus can be tempted, then no man is above temptation. Even Paul testified to this: ( *Romans 7:19-For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do*). Thus, temptations are real; they are trial times, times where our faith is tested to see if we will stand and not fail. Certain times these temptations come because God is preparing us for something big and wants to see, if we end up having those things, are we going to because of those things fall or at those times we will stand strong.
Joseph, as a case study; He was tempted by Potiphar’s wife because God allowed it. He was building hum for a time to come. He said I will not do this evil and sin against my God. With this, God knew that no matter where he takes him to, he won’t defile the faith. You will all agree with me that associated with position of authority, are temptations of all sort. Thus Joseph had to pass through this because of that bigger position in view. When we are tempted, it’s either there is a blessing just lying wait just or there will come a time when our strength in that particular area will be needed.
Let me paint a scenario; you are a treasurer in a small cooperative society, and a lot of money is always allocated to your hands; and at this certain time, you were so broke and needed money badly but instead of taking from the association money, you won’t commit the crime of stealing or forging figures and miraculously your bills were paid. All of a sudden, you are now called to be an accountant in a large firm. See how God does his things, he allowed you to be tempted because of where he was taking you to.
Why will God allow Jesus to be tempted, after all he is the son of God and he went into the wilderness also to gather up himself for the ministry. Why then will He be tempted? It’s because out of temptation comes the strength that we need. ( *Matthew 4:1-25) Strength in our temptation*. The bible said after He was tempted, Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit ( *Luke 4:14*). Our temptation times are just preparation for a battle to come. They will always come as they did for Abraham when he was tempted by God to sacrifice his only son. He was only tested so that he will be blessed. Afterwards, God gave him a dose of blessings, (Genesis 22:16-17) that we still proclaim today-Abraham’s blessings are mine. So, when believers say they can never be tempted, that means they are not ready to be overcomers, not ready for the victory. For this world is full of temptations, but the bible said for whosoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory…(1 John 5:4) This tells us that as children of God, there will be temptations but we will overcome.
Another thing that I have come to realize is; you can never be tested beyond your capacity. Whatever God tempts his people on, he surely must have given unto them and will have created a ransom-a way of escape from. He gave Isaac to Abraham before he tempted him. He will never give us more than we can chew. He said, “For our light affliction which is but for a moment” (2 Corinthians 4:17)”; the affliction is light-no heavy affliction in Christ. He said there will be challenges but be of good cheer, for I have overcome them all (John 16:33paraphrased).
Now that we have established that God can tempt a man. Then, can we be tempted of the devil? I will say Yes and No. Whatever powers the devil possesses to put us under temptation is known by God. A biblical example of this is Job. Job was thrown into temptation by the devil, trial times, but God gave Job unto the devil. I want us to understand whatever God will do that his name will be glorified; he will go at any length to do it. God boasts with them that are his; I want us to understand that he is always happy when we are living according to his plans and he boasts about us. He knows the end from the beginning. This is what the devil does not understand. God knew that at the end of the devil’s venture with his son Job, that his name will be glorified, so HE let the devil have his way. The same way HE is doing with his saints, them that are his. Another biblical proof: Jesus knew that Peter was going to enter into temptation, why did he not stop it until Peter denied him three times, then he realized what he had said. So many instances in the bible like this. Jesus was building Peter up for a very important task ahead of time.
These temptations will surely come, as long as we draw breath; every day is a new temptation; that is why we were taught the Lord ’s prayer. “Do not lead us into temptation”. The NLT says “And don’t let us yield to temptation” (Matthew 6). The prayer does not say don’t let temptation come but that we should not be given unto them. They will surely come, so our prayer as Christians and as believers should be: Father, do not let me yield to temptation and HE will hear you and strengthen you. But first, you must be a son of God; “for whatsoever is born of God, overcometh the world”.
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